This week’s edition includes Jordan’s Principle, environmental assessments, UNDRIP, land defence and more.
National news included copyright law and Jordan’s Principle
Artists could soon get royalties when their work is resold. Inuit artists think it's a good idea. | CBC News
What should Canada be doing to address the national Jordan’s Principle backlog? | APTN News
Historical archives were the top story in the Maritimes
How adding names to archival images has been healing for people of We'koqma'q First Nation | CBC News
In Ontario, recognition of Indian Residential School Survivors and a court challenge made headlines
Toronto opens Spirit Garden, a space for residential school survivors, in Nathan Phillips Square | CBC News
First Nation in Ontario challenging site of nuclear waste repository | APTN News
UNDRIP, a regulatory process and a potential new highway made news in the North
First Nation accuses GNWT of violating UN Declaration over highway | Cabin Radio
Sahtu Secretariat supports interim licence for Imperial | Cabin Radio
Mackenzie Valley Highway ‘comes with problems but we need it’ | Cabin Radio
Land defence and an injunction were the top stories in Manitoba
Site used for Indigenous ceremony, may have graves: protesters | APTN News
A human rights case topped news in British Columbia
In B.C.'s top court, an Indigenous mother continues her fight for justice | APTN News
We cannot, and will not, sit idly by while laws are being broken and while our rights are being dishonoured.
- Chief Kele Antoine, Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę́ First Nation
We are product of the immense torque that propels this universe. We are not individuals but a great accumulation of all that lived before.
- Tanya Tagaq, Split Tooth, 2018